Thursday, January 6, 2011

Win a Dunkin Donut gift card

Good deeds don't have to be enormous. As a matter of fact, paying attention to the smaller acts of kindness you normally do every day without thinking may pay off by setting a chain reaction into motion. I'm talking about things that most people do without thinking twice. By being mindful of these you will naturally give yourself a little boost. This will feel good and maybe you will be more aware of the next, possibly bigger, opportunity that pops up. Grab it if you can.

I own an URL address that I have yet to determine how to use. Another company out there has a similar address. Mine's better, and subsequently I get their misguided e-mails. We briefly discussed selling it but their offer, in my opinion, was not fair. Today I received one of those lost e-mails. It was someone's resume, hopeful to begin a new job. I couldn't help it, I had to write back to let him know his potential employers have not receive his information. This is a small good deed, but it might have made the difference in someone getting a job.

To bring more traffic to this blog I have a trick up my sleeve. For January 2011, all comments posted featuring a January 2011 good deed will be placed into a raffle. In aiming to stir up good deed action, only those occurring in January are eligible. At the end of the month I will randomly choose a winner to receive a $25 gift card to Dunkin Donuts. So this means you'll have to register with Blogger, even if you use an alias. However, if you win you'll have to let me know where to send your prize!

So get out there and get busy doing good things, come back here and share!


  1. YOU are fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  2. Will I have to share the gift card as a good deed? You know that would be hard to do for me! : )

  3. I want to ackonwledge a good deed done to us: Last night we were at PF Changs, celebrating Alanna's birthday, and the waitress brought us 2 little shooter desserts. The people behind us had ordered a dinner that came with them, but were too full to eat them, so she passed them on to us. We didn't advertise that it was a birthday celebration, but her name was also Alana (one "n"), so maybe that's why she picked us? Whatever her reasoning, it was such a nice ending to a really good 16th birthday for my daughter.

  4. In reading I have to tell you about an act of kindness that my brother did years ago that still stays on my mind. He is always doing wonderful things for people and thinking of other first...his nature. He frequently went to NY and passed by a homeless person who asked for money. My brother went around the corner to a deli and bought him a sandwich, drink, chips, etc. This way the man had a meal and did not spend the money on something that would not have served him so well. My brother did not pass by this man, but took the time to think of a way to help him. That act inspires me. I hope it inspires you as well.

  5. Melanie, if you don't get a posting from my customer Kelly H. today then let me know. She did something AMAZING this morning (and I am not referring to voting for Sebastian). I sent her your link.

  6. Thank you all ... as you can see, there aren't many postings so you have a good chance in winning! Still ... gotta try to get more people to post their good doings here. Get the synergy going, you know? :-)
