Saturday, January 15, 2011

The little guy

You may know that I work in a hospital. Much of what I do there could potentially be posted in this blog. I like helping people, and I especially like it when I go home and feel like I made a difference in someone's life. However, I get paid to do what I do, so most things done on the job I cannot use for this blog's purpose.

What if I do something completely out of my line of duty? Today I helped the little guy, and what a cute little guy he is! He's not even two and has got the most gorgeous slate blue eyes. Early in the day little guy was charming and so well behaved. Accompanied by only his father, he was doing pretty darn good. As the day worn on he was getting more and more restless and over-tired. He couldn't fall asleep he was so tired! His dad had to run outside the hospital for a few minutes to get a care package from the wife. Imagine - this little guy who is already crying, uncomfortable and besides himself with fatigue to be left alone? So I stayed with him and tried my best to occupy him. It is definitely not part of my job to hang out with a patient's baby, and certainly I could have left the child in the room solo. A prisoner in one of those cribs with bars that go up to the ceiling. I was surprised when his dad took at least 20 minutes to run down and back up. The little guy cried desperately for his father. I read a book, played patty cake, made faces and even put Sponge Bob on but the game he had the most fun with was me putting pieces of tape on my nose, acting surprised that it got there again and him grabbing it off. Cuteness. :-)


  1. So sweet, Mel!
    Cathy W

  2. Samantha ArmstrongJanuary 15, 2011 10:12 PM

    alright alright. the other day I went to Kohl's on a whim. I parked in a spot by a cart. went to move the cart and looked inside. I found a black fanny pack which would have been hard to spot since it was tucked in that pocket, which is black. I ran it inside and found the manager. I told him I didn't open it or anything, and that was for him to do. It was loaded with credit cards, etc., and would have been a mess for the woman if it got in the wrong hands. He proceeded to contact the customer. He handed me a coupon for the day. Later on I ran into him (yes, i frequent Kohl's) and he said they found her and she was happy..except she said she was missing cash, which I find hard to understand since I never opened the damn thing. he said she was a flake, a regular customer....hahahahaha.

  3. As you know, Mary goes for bi-weekly chemo treatments at the Hassenfeld Childrens Center for Cancer and other Blood Disorders. They have a big prize bin that the children can pick from after they are deaccessed. Lately, not only has it not been filled, but the few things they had Mary was not interested in, in fact she left this past Thursday without a prize at all. When I was in Michaels, I decided to look in the $1.00 bins, and I picked out a bunch of prizes for us to bring to the center next Thursday. Today, I was in JoAnns looking at thier $1.00 bins. Mary will be very excicted to give Jose (the child lfe specialist), the prizes from the bins to share with the other children. This is our third time doing this in the past few months, and I think we are going to make it a habit.
